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Windows Defender Way Out of Hand!


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
Holy crap! I just tried to download and install KMSPico and WTF? First I thought I disabled Defender thru the GUI but somehow it magically turned itself back on. When I tried to disable it again, Defender informed me I didn't have Admin rights? Huh yes I do, I own the darn computer and set it up.
So I do the registry thing where you tell Defender not to turn itself on, so after a reboot, I get a pop-up from Defender going bonkers over KMSpico and quarantines it AFTER I told it to leave it alone. So finally after a very long fight I get the supposed deactivated Defender to allow KMSpico.
You used to be able to uninstall Defender using a 3rd party program. Now M/S is dishing out some poop about Defender being a vital part of Windows and can no longer be uninstalled. Lets see what the EU has to say about that, it's too easy for M/S to spread the money around in the US to prevent any legislation they don't want in the name of anti-Office piracy. Seems Adobe is pulling some tricks too, let's see how that pans out. All I know is that Defender is borderline being unfair to the competition. There was method to M/S madness in lowering Office Pro prices to $40 for a perpetual license which is drying up fast. That remains to be seen.
I finally figured out the newest Defender trick. You would think disabling Virus and Threat Protection would shut Windows Security off and leave you alone. Nope! Well hidden under the guise of App and Browser Control. Open that setting and there is an option " Reputation-based protection". Here's the deal, that's what is flagging all the cracked programs, keygens, you name it. Since Microsoft will not let you uninstall or even really disable this annoying program, at least you can still sneak things by it if you turn this option off as well.
I finally figured out the newest Defender trick. You would think disabling Virus and Threat Protection would shut Windows Security off and leave you alone. Nope! Well hidden under the guise of App and Browser Control. Open that setting and there is an option " Reputation-based protection". Here's the deal, that's what is flagging all the cracked programs, keygens, you name it. Since Microsoft will not let you uninstall or even really disable this annoying program, at least you can still sneak things by it if you turn this option off as well.

Thank you!
Nice post Talaba!!!
Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Great site worth checking out. Many useful tools there. Make sure you know what you are doing with some of them if you are unsure. Some are very powerful tools.