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qBittorent and MalwareBytes


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Nov 5, 2018
Does anyone have any idea why MalwareBytes starts flagging some qBittorrent IP connections as Trojans? Nothing else security wise I am running has any problem so I am starting to think that maybe that IP at some point was hosting a MWB crack? If so man that moves MWBs down quite a few pegs. That's the kind of garbage you expect from Microsoft.
Can anyone else shed some light on this one? Right now I ignore but I am on the verge of dumping MWB outright. Too many problems.
Well after some further investigation these are IPs the allegedly were used for seedy purposes according to MWB and they got the IPs off a blacklist (or so they say).
Well duh! Anyone who isn't using a VPN for torrents is a bit of a fool. Who knows who had that IP on your VPN before you and for that matter, who cares? Some sites block VPN addys too. Oh well! Better safe than sorry. MWB hasn't been known for being that nervous in the past, why now?
My torrents aren't working. I think it often blocks enough connections that people's torrenting is crippled until they disable or remove MalwareBytes.
Use Brave Browser to download the torrent.
MalwareBytes will still block the flagged IPs. MWB and torrents currently don't play well no matter how you are downloading them.
Does anyone have any idea why MalwareBytes starts flagging some qBittorrent IP connections as Trojans? Nothing else security wise I am running has any problem so I am starting to think that maybe that IP at some point was hosting a MWB crack? If so man that moves MWBs down quite a few pegs. That's the kind of garbage you expect from Microsoft.
Can anyone else shed some light on this one? Right now I ignore but I am on the verge of dumping MWB outright. Too many problems.
Started getting this in Avast as well.
I was going to say something about the A/V A/Malware programs. Seems like they all delight telling you that you are installing a cracked program, duh really?
I have encountered an A/V program that refuses to protect you if you have certain cracked programs, it might have been Windows Security but I don't remember who it was.
Since mining become something widespread with computers MalwareBytes and other antivirus start blocking addresses and this new feature has been now widespread to block malicious urls. That's most likely the case, if not malware probably it has promote it before.