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What Android Emulator Do You Use?


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
Just asking. I lie probably most of you are using Blue Stacks. I use it probably out of habit more than anything else.
So now that there are more options as well as a Beta emulator native to Windows 11. I am really interested in what you are using and I will probably ask again in 6 months as the landscape is rapidly changing.
An aside but looking at the give-away prices currently for a great deal of the Chromebooks looks like they may fading away. Personally the way Google sets the timeline to obsolete Chromebook O/S updates it all but rules them out of the typical personal home computer who isn't replacing their systems every couple of years.
The reason I ask is it still seems so much is written for the android O/S. I never did code in Android but I suspect many times it’s more a matter of stringing some modules together rather than having to write the function. Not sure about that. Professionally I never dealt with much outside of Windows and to a lesser extent Linux except CLI stuff.
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