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Nov 5, 2018
Bleeping computer has a great article about "Open Shell", a free open source GUI modification the brings back the good old Start Menu.
Now while that may seem trivial to users here my experience is some folks go f'ing crazy when you try and get them used to Windows 10. The older they are the worse it gets. I deal with a great guy who teaches seniors computer skills and know this first hand.
Even the old codgers at work won't let me upgrade for the very same reason. Well looks like they now loose the arguement. I know this isn't the first program to do this but it's free and open source. If I told them they would have to pay for this in the past the response would be "Why bother then?". Well looks like that point is moot now.
Check it out:
Bleeping computer has a great article about "Open Shell", a free open source GUI modification the brings back the good old Start Menu.
Now while that may seem trivial to users here my experience is some folks go f'ing crazy when you try and get them used to Windows 10. The older they are the worse it gets. I deal with a great guy who teaches seniors computer skills and know this first hand.
Even the old codgers at work won't let me upgrade for the very same reason. Well looks like they now loose the arguement. I know this isn't the first program to do this but it's free and open source. If I told them they would have to pay for this in the past the response would be "Why bother then?". Well looks like that point is moot now.
Check it out:

Nice tool, i use it for windows server 2012 :)
Been using Classic Shell since Win 7 came out. I don't even like the XP look. Like my list of folders to look my way, not helped out with "latest used," etc.
Besides, just hold down the Shift key and Start will come up Win 10 mode if you want to play with it...adds and unwanted crap.