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Extortionware, Ransomware, Whatever


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Ultimate Donator
Nov 5, 2018
So here's the deal. I declined the position I thought I was going to take which means I am back looking again. Things in my part of the US are finally settling down pandemic-wise so I figure it's a good time.
My goodness there are alot of network security jobs open. Talk about as my dad put it "Heads I win, Tails you lose" kind of job.
My old housemate was in a fairly high position in the federal government and I saw the steps they had to take to secure their infrastructure. Basically there was no way to introduce anything, and I mean anything into the core environment. You weren't even on their network, it was read-only and you basically were remotely viewing it. Emails were in another completely different environment off-site and again you never really touched them. Forget about attachments as well.
So how do you translate into a normal business environment? Short answer is, you don't.
If you ever did any administration of a business network it would blow you mind how much time people spend doing BS nonsense on their company system. Much of this BS exposes the network to all kinds of goodies. You know, those on-line games, facebook, get my drift?
So in an effort to secure a network you start locking down a network and take away all the security issues and the users go bonkers. They might even have to do some work but that's another story.
So that's why there are so many network security jobs open. Either they complain like crazy and label you an Internet nazi for denying them the ability to put all that crap on their system that secretly supports the sites for "Their Games" or you drop your pants and some user opens that magic email or visits that "special" site. Either way they fire you, that's why the churn rate is so high for this position.
Exactly how do you think that pipeline was shut down?

Which brings you back to the old saying:
What's the best antivirus? A responsible user of course.

Oh yeah before I go, it was rumored a while back the country whose name starts with R has a whole bunch of infected phones in their stable. I ever did hear what they plan to do with them, I guess if it's true we shall find out.

This is why I stay away from security. I have a small network I admin but I know every one of the users and what they are capable of doing. I am able to take steps to protect the network and it works. The important features are small, a dozen users and knowing what each one is capable of. We did have someone who is no longer here who demanded he have install privileges and his system was packed full of more crap than a Christmas turkey. I scanned that sucker with an army of tools at least once a week. I hope his new employer is having a blast with him.